Diano introduces a unique programming approach to X-Ray analysis software "Object Oriented" functionality. This approach combines a preprogrammed set of full range analytical X-Ray functions, with the ability to be readily customized for one or more individual users, projects and special applications.

"Object Oriented" is the newest concept in software design and incorporates a graphical user interface with a functional application approach The concept of "Object-Oriented" means that from the user's perspective, XSPEX software treats
  • The Diffractometer
  • The Spectrometer
  • Samples
  • Standards
  • Analytical Processes
  • Data (readings, peaks, scans, analyses, reports)
all as "intelligent objects" which:
  • the user can manipulate in a natural way (e.g., you can pass an entire scan as a single entity to an analytical process which will determine its peaks);
  • can respond to commands and queries (e.g., you can "tell" an instrument to configure itself to preset specifications; you can "ask" a sample for a report of its composition, etc.);
  • can manipulate each other to achieve complex actions (e.g., a sample can configure and operate an instrument to perform its own self-analysis).

The result is analysis software which is easy-to-use, flexible, with full graphics supported qualitative and quantitative analysis capability.


  • Graphically Oriented.
  • Up to 6 Entries per Graph Window.
  • Up to 6 Graph Entries presented in Projected Mode.
  • Linear, Log, Square Root Scaling active on any graph.
  • Auto Scaling of Scan Data.
  • Window Zoom Capability.
  • Complete display can be printed or stored in computer Metafile format for computer generated slides.
  • Text String Input for Graph Information.

  • Real-time data display, graphical representation of scan data is presented during measurement.
  • Raw Data Smoothing.
  • Background Corrections.
  • Deconvolution.
  • Peak Search & Labeling.
  • Peak Stripping.
  • Curve Fitting; Cauchy, or Gaussian, etc.

  • Retained Austenite.
  • Residual Stress.
  • Integrated Peak Intensity.
  • Standards Calibration.
  • Bath Ratio Analysis.
  • Regression Analysis for Unknown Concentration.

  • Searches PDF-1, PDF-2 or customer entered Database.
  • Database can be segmented for higher efficiency.
  • Utilizes 4 Step Matching procedure;
    1. Quick Search of selected database, using 1 to 8 intensity peaks, (usually 4 highest).
    2. Elemental Chemistry Restraints Search, either a positive or negative restraint can be used.
    3. Complete line pattern Search.
    4. Graphic Display comparison.


  • Graphically Oriented.
  • Up to 6 Entries per Graph Window.
  • Up to 6 Graph Entries presented in Projected Mode.
  • Linear, Log, Square Root Scaling active on any graph.
  • Auto Scaling of Scan Data.
  • Window Zoom capability.
  • Complete display can be printed, or stored in computer Metafile format for computer generated slides.
  • Text String Input for Graph Information.

  • Real-time data display, graphical representation of scan data is presented during measurement.
  • Raw Data smoothing.
  • Background Corrections.
  • Deconvolution.
  • Peak Search & Labeling.
  • Peak Stripping.
  • Curve Fitting; Cauchy, or Gaussian, etc.

  • Bogue Equations.
  • Interelement Matrix Corrections.
  • Integrated Peak Intensity.
  • Standards Calibration.
  • Multilinear Regression Analysis.

  • Semi-automatic multi-element search utilizing Diano element database.